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OK Zoomers - Iverson, Masington, Palma, Zulauf

This virtual event will feature readings by

Cailin Iverson
Maria Masington
Brooke Palma
Mychael Zulauf

Open mic will follow. Hosted by Christina Lengyel

Registration required. To Register click HERE

Cailin Iverson received her MFA in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts from the University of Baltimore in 2014. She has since become a professional writer who battles existential ambivalence and lives for iced lattes and warm cookies. She resides in Chester County, Pennsylvania, with her husband, two kids, and two kitties.

Brooke Palma (she/her) grew up in Philadelphia and currently lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Many of her poems focus on the connections between culture and identity and finding beauty in the everyday. Her work has been published in The Mad Poets’ Review, Moonstone Arts, Toho Journal, and E-Verse Radio (online).  Her chapbook, Conversations Unfinished, was published by The Moonstone Press in August 2019. She hosts the Livin’ on Luck Poetry Series at Barnaby’s West Chester and serves as Vice President/Treasurer for the Mad Poets Society.  

Mychael Zulauf is a poet currently residing in Baltimore. He has written two chapbooks, runs akinoga press, and hosts so...poetry?, the poetry conversation podcast. He also has what he considers to be a perfectly healthy observational obsession with birds and clouds.